Friday, July 24, 2015

What If I told you

I saw someone on Facebook recently describe Joel’s Place as ‘That Christian skate park place”
It bugged me, and I really wanted to respond, “We are more than a skate park! We have kids who come EVERY SINGLE DAY who have never stepped foot on a skate board!”
and it’s true.
But, I showed restraint and instead of sounding like the online equivalent of “Get off my lawn!, I said nothing.
So, in case you didn’t know- I’ll just say it here. Joel’s Place is not a skate park. It never was.
 It has always been a place for young people to learn and grow and pursue their passions.
Joel’s Place began because a group of teens wanted a place to gather for worship, have concerts, build relationships and create a community of belonging. It started around music, then expanded into skating, then expanded into biking, scooting, art,  gaming, sports, gardening and lots and lots of FOOD.

And we’re taking another expansion step that even I’m a bit surprised about.
A group of Joel’s Place kids are starting our first ever scouting group.
Venturing” is a program of Boy Scouts of America, and is open to boys and girls, ages 14 to 21.
 They can do pretty much anything they want to. Some of the activities thrown around today were skydiving, cooking, drag-racing, photography, and taking a trip to the World’s Largest Skatepark,
oh, and also a trip to Iceland.
Some other words thrown around today were “adventure, danger, creative, independent, and youth-led.”
It sounds like a perfect fit for our “creative, adventuresome, adrenalin-seeking youth”.
 Each week we are so encouraged by the energy and excitement that this new generation of kids are bringing to Joel’s Place. They belong. They are Family. 
We hold them close, but not too close.
This new opportunity is possible because we are willing to partner with other organizations. We know that our building, staff and resources can only go so far.
As a community that wants to help kids, we are stronger together. 
The kids are stronger if we’re together.
 If your church group, club, breakdance crew or whatever…. is interested in partnering with us, please give me a call and let’s talk. Not everything is going to be a good fit, but I would have never guessed that scouting would be until we had the conversation.
 Hope to hear from you, I’ll even buy you coffee.


Friday, July 17, 2015

Wonder Women

Every superhero has an alias.
 There's Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker, and Jacquie Bourne.
 Oh, she thinks we don't know. But we know...
No one can prepare 500 meals a week, supervise a kitchen full of teenagers, meal plan, shop, and manage life as a college student with a toddler unless they have super powers.
But seriously, this woman is a wonder. Because of her, we are able to serve free meals and snacks every day at Joel's Place, Boys & Girl's Club and The Literacy Council. That's a lot of hungry tummies getting filled each day, and we couldn't do it without her.
 Like all great superheroes, she has a side kick. Johnnie Avakumoff is a Lathrop HS student who began as a volunteer, then an intern and then was happily hired on as the Cafe assistant. He is one of several of our High School age staff that have worked their way up from "JP kid" to staff and young leaders.
These young staff are the ones who mentor the younger kids, and keep things fun, energetic, LOUD and safe.
I guess they're kind of superheroes in their own right.
Speaking of superheroes, I had the opportunity to be in the room with about 100 of them last night.
A group called "100+ Golden Heart Women Who Care" meets four times a year to donate at least $10,000 to local non-profits. What an amazing thing! I guess Jacquie's not the only Wonder Woman in town, she's in a lot of good company.
But, even superheroes need help now and then, and Jacquie could use some help next week- we are running short on apples, oranges and 1% milk. If you could help this lady out, she would be ever so grateful. If shopping's not your thing, we will gladly accept grocery money or gift cards.
Donations can be dropped off Mon-Friday at 1890 Marika Rd. they are tax deductible and directly benefit the kids we serve each week.
Thank You for loving and feeding these wonderful kids.

Friday, July 10, 2015

To Know and Be Known

If I have one vision for Joel’s Place this year, it is “To Know and Be Known”.
 I long for these kids to be known, by our staff, by our community and by their peers. I long for them to be known for who they really are- musicians, artists, athletes, gamers and entrepreneurs with hearts to serve.  
And I long for them to know that there is a community that cares about them.
Most of our kids have received some kind of label:  “low-income, “foster kid”, “minority” 
 “special-needs”, or “food insecure”, and we are guilty of using those words ourselves.
Too many times we have appealed to the public to help our “at-risk youth”
Let me make this crystal clear. ALL YOUTH ARE AT RISK. 
Ask anybody that works with teens- from youth pastors to librarians.  The teen programs are the last to be funded and the first to be cut. That is the sign of a marginalized population. 
So, yes, in a sense, they are “at risk”.
I don’t like labels, and “at-risk” is a pretty worthless one, but if we have to label, I really think our mission statement nails it :
“creative, adventuresome, adrenalin-seeking youth” who need a good, positive outlet for their energy.
or how about, just “the image-bearers of God”
That is who we serve. 
They are loud, friendly, brilliant, compassionate and in perpetual motion. 
They are quick to help, and quick to complain. So yeah, basically they’re just kids.
But they are OUR kids. We know them. And to know them is to love them.

The challenge is to get the community to know them as well. 
We were blessed this week to get some coverage in the Newsminer
It highlighted a group our kids that have been doing service projects around town this summer. 
I was so happy to see them get recognition for the great things they’re doing! More and more, I hope to educate the community about Joel’s Place and the kids that call this place theirs. 
It’s up to us to give an accurate picture of who they are. Part of this picture is apparent in our Brand New Website! Like our kids, it’s colorful, and hopeful and gives a great snapshot of who we are, what we do and why we do it. 
I hope you’ll take a minute to check out all the great things going on at Joel’s Place. 

Blessings, Kelli

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Mind The Gap

Last week, we had a volunteer who was visiting from England.  Matt Moore helped us in the garden,  worked with us on a community service project, took some great photos for us, and generally pitched in wherever needed. Thanks Matt!   His visit and our conversations reminded me of my visits to that part of the world. 
Getting around London is pretty easy if you use the underground subway aka “The Tube”.  You will see and hear the  “Mind The Gap” all over the place. I appreciate the Brits warning me not to fall to my death through the space between the subway platform and the train itself.  If you’re brave enough, you can also rent a car and drive on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD, while navigating the never ending roundabouts. 
Trust me, England’s roundabouts and North Pole’s roundabouts are nothing alike. In England, there’s and inner circle, and (thankfully) an inner-inner circle to drive around in while you’re trying to figure out which way to go. Unlike an intersection, where you better darn-well already know which way you’re going.

I often have described Joel’s Place as an intersection between the church and the “not church”.  I mean it in a positive way, but after thinking it through I realize how much better it would be as a roundabout. Instead of the different parties stopping, waiting , then going their own way, we would all be in the same circle. At least for a while, we would all be headed the same direction, and perhaps some would make it to that inner-inner circle and stay awhile.

We are all about staying awhile.

 At Joel’s Place, we see nearly a thousand kids each year, and we will see some of those kids for 10 years or more.  While many will safely navigate through to adulthood, we know that some of our kids will fall through the cracks. We don’t want that.  This is why we offer consistent mentoring, healthy foods and a positive outlet for all that adolescent energy.  It doesn’t guarantee success, but it can help narrow the gap between success and failure.

If you’d like to learn more about Joel’s Place, roundabouts, or joining the inner-inner circle (but, not in a creepy, cult-like way) give me a call or stop by for a tour.   
We hope you’ll like what you see and stay awhile.

Have a safe and Happy 4th of July
